Homepage > Citizenship by Investment > St Kitts & Nevis
St. Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program
The Nature of The Program
Type of Program
Citizenship by Investment
Investment Amount:
125,000 USD
Type of Investment
Donation to Government Funds
Family of 4 : 14,550 USD
From Start to End of the Process
3 - 6 months
Visa-Free Travel Countries
+157 country: Russia, U.K, UN countries…
Discover Saint Kitts&Nevis
The Position of The Country
The Country's Neighbors
East Caribbean Countries, Mexico, Cuba and USD
Official Languages
Population of the Country
1.058 million USD
GDP per Capita (Thu Capita)
18.714 USD
Advantages of Being a Citizen of St. Kitts & Nevis:
Valued Privacy:
Your acquisition of St. Kitts & Nevis citizenship and passport remains confidential unless you choose to disclose it. This level of privacy makes it a preferred choice for high-profile business individuals, similar to other Caribbean programs.
Inclusion of Family:
The St. Kitts & Nevis Citizenship Program allows you to include your spouse, children up to the age of 30, unmarried siblings, and parents over the age of 55. Each additional applicant incurs minimal fees.
Visa-Free Travel:
As a citizen of St. Kitts & Nevis, you enjoy visa-free travel to all EU-Schengen countries, the United Kingdom, and Russia, facilitating ease of international travel.
Favorable Tax Regime:
St. Kitts & Nevis does not impose a Worldwide Taxable Income on its citizens' worldwide income, nor does it require gift or inheritance taxes.
Fast and Streamlined Process:
The St. Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program is known for its simplicity, transparency, and speed. It distinguishes itself among other Caribbean citizenship programs.
Citizenship for Future Generations:
The citizenship status you obtain through the St. Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program can be passed down from one generation to another, including your spouse, children, and grandchildren.
St.Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment IGC Passport Index Score
St.Kitts & Nevis Program Costs
$125 ,000
Donation For the Main Applicant
$25 ,000
Additional Donation For the Spouse
Additional Donations For 2 Children
$10,000 - $25,000
Additional Donations For the Siblings
The costs mentioned on the left do not include the following fees: ◦ Application fee of $600 and archival research fee of $7,500 for the main applicant. • Application fee of $600 and archival research fee of $4,000 for spouse and dependent applicants older than 16 years of age. ◦ Application fees for dependent applicants under 16 years of age (specific fees would need to be checked with official sources or authorized agents). These additional fees are necessary for the respective applicants and should be considered when calculating the total costs of the St. Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program. It is recommended to verify the most up-to-date fee structure and requirements from official sources or authorized agents.
Persons that can be included in the application:
- The Main Applicant
- Spouse
- Children under the age of 18
- Children between the ages of 18-30 who are dependent on the family
- Parents over the age of 65
- The Main Applicant And His/Her Spouse's Unmarried Siblings May Be Included.
Saint Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment Application Process
The investor shares his/her passport with IGC. Our company performs the preliminary research by using the World Check system of the global due diligence company it receives service from and determines whether there is any obstacle to the application.
As an authorized representative, IGC provides a detailed and complete application package to the main applicant. Also our agent provides the necessary assistance in filling out the forms. If requested, our lawyers will also explain with samples of the documents. The forms requested from the government are prepared by our lawyers. All document approvals are handled by our team through the power of attorney.
The applicant sends the required archive research fee. Archival research process is started about the applicant. By completing this process within 9 weeks, citizenship acquisition is largely guaranteed. Archive research fees are not refundable.
If the application is successful, the CBIU ( Citizenship by Investment Unit of St.Kitts&Nevis) informs our company about the result. You must make the promised real estate investment or donation within one month/ 30 days after this notification.
CIU-Citizenship by Investment Unit delivers your passport and citizenship certificate to the address you specified at the beginning, at most one month after you complete your investment. This address can be found in any country. The process usually takes less than a month.